ABBYY TextGrabber + Translator

ABBYY TextGrabber + Translator
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  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    13 December 2018

ABBYY TextGrabber + Translator is a cool app on Android, which is a must for students and people who do not speak foreign languages, and indeed to all who need urgently you to translate a text. Fotkaem text on the camera (the requirements for which from 3 megapixels with autofocus support), the resulting text in electronic form, and then do with it what you want, good settings and functions of ABBYY TextGrabber + Translator you can do a lot. Another nice thing is that you do not need Internet connection for work with this program.


  • Recognize text in over 60 languages, including Russian, English, German, Spanish, Greek, Chinese, Korean, and many other
  • full text translation for over 40 languages! Supports English, Spanish, Chinese and many others (for translation requires Internet connection)
  • Ability to edit the text, copy it to the clipboard, and save in other apps
  • Send results by SMS or email
  • Transmission detected/translated text in other installed apps
  • All texts are stored in "History", where you can always restore

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Download appABBYY TextGrabber + Translator Premium

v2.6.3  Premium

13.12.2018 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 0

v2.5.4.3  Original

v2.5.3.3  Original

v2.5.1.19  Full

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