2-bit Cowboy

2-bit Cowboy
  • OS

    Android, iOS

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  • Update date

    08 August 2016

2-bit Cowboy is a classic two-dimensional platformer game mechanics borrowed Gameboy portable consoles of the past. In addition to gameplay elements, the developers decided to use a graphical solution of the time doing 2-bit Cowboy in the style of a pixel. But the game got a lot of new possibilities and elements, but first on scene content. The game is set in the Wild West, you play the role of Sheriff of a small, but extremely criminalized town. Your job as a representative of the government, to fight crime, while not forgetting to find hidden here and there treasures. Another interesting feature of the 2-bit Cowboy can be attributed to the game world presented in a great location, you also have full freedom of action, go to casinos, saloons, etc., the main thing that the city slept quietly.

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v1.1  Original

8.08.2016 - Changes not specified.

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