Abracadabra - live translator

Abracadabra - live translator
  • OS


  • Category

    Phone part

  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    10 August 2018

Audio translator calls - an application that allows you to call landlines and mobile phones, simultaneously translating a conversation into another language. The conversation will be translated for both participants in order to facilitate your interaction with people from other countries. Your companion will not even have to install this program on your phone. Enough to do you threw the money in the account. Price of minute of conversation will be displayed before the call. It works with any selected operator. To machine translator it easier to cope with their work, try to speak in short sentences and make a short pause after each.

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Requirements to v

  • OS version: iOS 4.0+
  • Requires free space: 27.96 Мб

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