
  • OS

    Android, iOS

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  • Update date

    07 August 2018

Abzorb is a dynamic arcade game for IOS where you control a giant ball. In this game you tilt your device will navigate through different worlds and collect blue balls while trying to get around red. Over 65 levels train your great reaction and speed of fingers, driving the ball. With each new level complexity of game will increase and you will have to put a lot of effort to pass all the tests. Play this game and enjoy exciting gameplay and colorful graphics.

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Requirements to v1.3.6

  • OS version: iOS 8.0+
  • Requires free space: 99.4 Мб
  • Compatibility: iphone, ipad, ipod touch

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v1.3.6  Original

7.08.2018 - Changes not specified.

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