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The life and adventures of cislita

The life and adventures of cislita
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    30 August 2013

The life and adventures of cislita for Android developers AppsMinistry LLC. A great writer of the Victorian age Dickens, like all geniuses, was endowed with a number of oddities. So having worked on many of his books, the heroes were always beside him and as if he dictated the text. And with this novel came at him with their jokes, Mrs. Gump. Dickens threatened the heroine that if she will not leave, he did not write about her any more lines. But what gave her peace of mind you'll have to learn by reading this book.Of settings are available: font, brightness and color palette.

Note: the program has an advertising module, damage he is not responsible, but some antiviruses can sound the alarm.

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v2.3.0  Original

30.08.2013 - Changes not specified.

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