The Lord of The Rings: Tactics

The Lord of The Rings: Tactics
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    21 January 2015

The Lord of The Rings: Tactics - enter the world of tactical strategy game for the PSP. Discover the world of Lord of the Rings, the world of role-playing strategy in the heart of Mordor, where seething hellish cauldron. Press the Ring in the boiler, and there will be Peace and Justice. Well, if you are tired of the happy ending - lead the fight against the Brotherhood of the Ring. So game features:

  • the system of leveling characters
  • a large selection of skills, abilities and spells
  • a variety of weapons
  • multiplayer via Wi-Fi up to 4 players
  • video-saver from the movie trilogy "the Lord of the Rings"

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Requirements to v1.0

  • OS version: PSP

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v1.0  Original

21.01.2015 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 7

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