Savage Moon: The Hera Campaign

Savage Moon: The Hera Campaign
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    01 September 2016

Savage Moon: The Hera Campaign – originally the game was released for PS 3 and received quite a few positive reviews. Perhaps this is why the decision was made to add Savage Moon the Hera Campaign subtitle The and create a game on a portable console. Game for the PSP will receive some additional content in the form of new enemies, new sujetni of the company, as well as expand the range of combat turrets. Who have not guessed game in the genre of "Tower defense" where you have to build towers and fend off waves of enemies. For a more successful reflection of attacks you will have time to Refine and improve the turret.

Russian language: unknown

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Requirements to v0.61

  • OS version: PSP

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v0.61  Original

1.09.2016 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 4

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